Ellis Security
One company for your security needs in Cornwall
Whether you’re looking at a burglar alarm system at home or controlling the flow of people in and out of your factory we’ve the expertise you need. In fact, it’s our expertise in dealing with both individuals and companies across Cornwall and into Devon that makes us what we are.
By combining our experience across the range of security solutions we’re uniquely placed to provide the best solutions to both complex and simple scenarios. Over twenty years of experience means that we’ve the resources you need; talk to Ellis first.
Ellis Security
Experience and training; consultation and design.
Here at Ellis we understand that you want the best protection for your home or business. Our experience of working with a wide range of businesses and individuals means that we can design a system to meet your needs; combining those elements that are useful to you and offering the support that works best.
All our clients are unique; their premises are all different, each location brings its own challenges and each one deserves the best from us as a business; a service that means that we’re your security partner for each thing that you consult us on.
Contact us with your fire and security needs to see how we can help you find your best solution.